He told me that he had a book he would like to show me... A book with photographs and other illustrations that would enrich our study. The book was hidden in his bedroom closet, and because of his mobility problems, he could not get it out of the closet all by himself. So... with his directions, I dug it out for him.
Then he suggested we just sit on the edge of his bed while we looked st some of the pictures. He said he wanted to make sure I did not find this kind of illustration offensive. Though I felt uneasy about this, he reassured me and began showing me pictures of couples making love.
I did not like the pictures or the situation in which I found myself. So he set the book aside, and attempted to lay down on top of me. "No," I said. "Don't do this." And even though he was heavy, I managed to move my body out from under him. Being as handicapped as he was, there was little he could do to physically prevent me from leaving the situation.
"Well, that's it then," he said impatiently [which made me feel I had done something wrong, and he was in some way disappointed in me.] Why did I feel it was so important to please him... To not have him think less of me... To even go beyond my better judgement to meet his wishes??? Why am I such a weak person?